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Greetings Smart Contract

Before we look at how to make a contract such as the one in the basic dapp in the previous section, let's cover some basics by writing a simple contract that returns a greetings message. We will simply call it hello-world smart contract.

A contract is defined by a JavaScript module that exports a start function. For our hello-world smart contract, the declaration of start function looks like this:

export const start = () => {

For the hello-world smart contract, we will have a simple greet function apart from start function. The greet function takes a string as a parameter (for example, name of the person calling the function) and returns a customized greeting message.

const greet = who => `Hello, ${who}!`;

The greet function, along with any other public function, must be made accessible through the publicFacet of the contract. The start function returns an object with a publicFacet property. In the hello-world contract, the start function exposes the greet function by defining it as a method of the contract's publicFacet, as shown below:

return {
  publicFacet: Far('Hello', { greet }),

We wrap the value of the publicFacet property in a Far(...) call to safely expose it as a remote object, accessible from outside the contract. This also gives it a suggestive interface name Hello for debugging. We'll discuss Far in more detail later.

Putting it all together:

import { Far } from '@endo/far';

const greet = who => `Hello, ${who}!`;

export const start = () => {
  return {
    publicFacet: Far('Hello', { greet }),

Let us save this code to a file named 01-hello.js inside src directory.

Using, testing a contract

Agoric contracts are typically tested using the ava framework. The test file begins with an import @endo/init to establish a Hardened JavaScript environment. We also import E() in order to make asynchronous method calls and test function from ava. We'll talk more about using E() for async method calls later. Following these import statements, we write a simple test that validates that the greet method works as expected.

Putting it all together:

import '@endo/init';
import { E } from '@endo/far';
// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-unresolved --
import test from 'ava';
import { start } from '../src/01-hello.js';

test('contract greets by name', async t => {
  const { publicFacet } = start();
  const actual = await E(publicFacet).greet('Bob');, 'Hello, Bob!');

Let's save this code in a file named test-01-hello.js in a test directory. Both src and test directories should lie in the same contract directory. Let us run the following command to execute the test:

yarn ava --match="contract greets by name"

You should see the following line towards the end of the output:

1 test passed

Congratulations! You have written and tested your first smart contract. Our next goal is to learn about the state of a smart contract.

If you're having trouble, check out the tut-01-hello branch in the example repo.

See also: